1. Come to class PREPARED.
Bring a pen or pencil, notebook
(three ring binder preferred), textbook, calculator, and whatever other
tools are required for the particular course.
Keep notes, homework assignments, worksheets in order in your binder. When doing problems, show all work neatly.
5. STUDY for quizzes and tests. To study math, you need to do problems.
And you need to do problems that you know answers to so that you know whether you are getting them right. If you had
a review sheet, do the problems again. Don't just "look over" your original work. Do the problem from the beginning
and do problems from your homework and previous quizzes- especially problems you had incorrect.
2. Be ATTENTIVE in class. Take notes, participate in class discussions, try the sample problems,
work cooperatively in groups, and ask questions when you don't understand.
4. Do HOMEWORK conscientiously.
It takes practice to learn to do math well. Homework is time for you to practice on your own the concepts discussed
in class, and to prepare for the next day's work. Homework is given in all classes and counts 5% to 20% of your grade.
6. GET HELP from your teacher if you are having difficulty. I am available
after school for help almost every day. There is a 3:30 late bus for students staying after school. You may
also make arrangements to come before school or during the school day. If you are in sports, coaches will permit you
to be late to practice with a note from your teacher. Don't
wait until the day before the test to get help!