Mrs. Walsh's Math Site NOTEBOOK |
1. Use a three-ring binder. 2. Separate your notebook into
the following sections: a. notes b. theorems and postulate sheets c. homework and worksheets d. handouts e. warm-up activity and closure activity KEEP THESE IN ORDER! TAKING NOTES IN CLASS: 1. Label
and date your notes. 2. Write
down any information I put on the board. Write down key definitions, postulates,
theorems, and sample problems. DEFINITIONS a. Copy the exact term or
use a precise equivalent. b. Set off the word defined
(underline, indent, use color). c. Include a drawing if possible. PROPERTIES, POSTULATES, and THEOREMS a.
Be sure to copy them accurately. If you reword them, make sure you have not altered the meaning. b. Review them as soon as
possible by trying to recall as much as you can without the aid of your notes or book. It is highly recommended that you read through your postulate and theorem sheets every night !! c. Copy drawings if appropriate. SAMPLE PROBLEMS a.
Copy them accurately. b. Clearly indicate the steps
in the solution. c. Emphasize (use color,
*stars*, underline) the new procedure being illustrated in the problem. d. If you make a mistake
while practicing problems in class, be careful to note your error and include both the correct answer and procedure. |
NOTEBOOKS will be checked periodically and
graded at the end of EACH marking period.