Mrs. Walsh's Math Site Introduction to CP Geometry A |
2014 MRS. WALSH All students are expected to arrive in class on time and prepared with: 1. Your COVERED
BOOK 2. A PEN or PENCIL 3. a scientific calculator 4. A three-ring binder
for your notes, organized as follows: KEEP IN ORDER! *
theorems and postulate sheets * class
notes for each day * sample problems worked in class * homework and worksheets * warm up activities * closure questions, if any
5. your High Point Planner
GRADES: Your grade is based on the following: 1.
Tests and Quizzes 90% (includes computer
lab activities, notebooks, projects,
class participation, group work) 2. Homework/Carnegie
Work 10% HOMEWORK: Homework is your opportunity to apply and practice
what is done in class.
Homework will be checked each day.
2. Do homework on a SEPERATE PAGE
from your notes. 3. Write the page and problem
numbers at the top of the page. 4. Show the problem and work NEATLY (you
should be able to show some work even if you can't complete the problem). 5. Correct problems as we
go over them in class, fixing the WORK as well as the answer. 6. A repeating pattern of late or incomplete homework will result in "homework"
7. You will be homework "buddies" with the person sitting next to you. When your homework buddy is absent, you
are responsible to collect any worksheets and handouts given out that day to give to your buddy when he/she returns to school.
Also provide your HW buddy with a list of missed assignments. NOTEBOOKS:
A three-ring binder is required. 2.
Take notes in class each day: the aim and date, any information on the
board or overhead, including sample problems, warm up activity.
3. Use a highlighter and tabs to keep your notebook organized. 3. Homework should be done in your notebook. 4. Keep all worksheets
and handouts in your notebook in order. 5. Notebooks will begraded once EACH marking period. ATTENDANCE/ MAKE-UP WORK: Success
in this course requires your daily presence and participation since each lesson builds on previous knowledge. If you are absent
for any reason you are expected to complete all missed assignments and get class notes. 2. You will have as many
days to make up your work as you were absent. I will consider special circumstances and needs, and extra help will
always be available if needed. 3. If you are absent the
day before a test or announced quiz, you should BE PREPARED to take the
test/quiz when you return; if you are absent on the day of the test/quiz you are expected to make it up as soon as possible. IF YOU ARE ABSENT FOR MORE THAN 2 DAYS YOU MUST SEE ME FOR EXTRA
HELP! ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: EXTRA HELP: LET'S GET OFF TO A GOOD START AND MAKE THIS YEAR A GREAT ONE!! I am available after school most days and in the morning by appointment.